2012 - 2017 广东溢多利生物科技股份有限公司,大客户总经理兼水产事业部总经理
2017 - 2022 中国海洋大学suncitygroup太阳新城官网,博士后
2022 - 至今 suncitygroup太阳新城官网,副研究员
《池塘养殖学》, 本科,主讲
《渔业机械概论》, 本科,主讲
1. 水产动物营养与免疫;
2. 水产动物营养与肉质;
3. 饲料原料高值化应用。
1. 短链脂肪酸调控大黄鱼肠道屏障功能的机制探究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(32172898),57万元,2022.01-2025.12,在研,主持
2. 水产饲料原料专用生物酶制剂的研究开发,珠海市引进创新创业团队项目(ZH01110405170028PWC),200万元, 2017.09-2020.12,完成,主持;
1. 迷迭香提取物的作用机制及其在动物生产中的应用. 动物营养学报 35(6), 2023:3401-3409,第一作者;
2. Beneficial effects of phytase and/or protease on growth performance, digestive ability, immune response and muscle amino acid profile in low phosphorus and/or low fish meal gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) diets. Aquaculture, 555(2022)738157,第一作者;
3. Effects of dietary tributyrin supplementation on the growth performance, serum biochemistry, antioxidant capability and intestinal morphology and structure of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). Aquaculture Research, 2022, 53(16):5463-5474,第一作者;
4. 低磷低鱼粉饲料中添加植酸酶和蛋白酶对草鱼生长性能和消化生理的影响. 动物营养学报 32(4), 2020:1788-1799,通讯作者;
5. 三丁酸甘油酯对动物生长和肠道屏障功能的影响及其作用机制. 动物营养学报 30(5), 2018:1668-1675,通讯作者;
6. Changes of visceral properties and digestive enzymes in the herbivorous marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus fed on different diets, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(2):85-93,并列第一作者;
7. Phytase can reduce the need for monocalcium phosphate supplementation in soybean and rapeseed meal-based diets of black sea bream, Acanthopagrus schlegelii (Bleeker, 1854),Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2016, 32(6):1148-1254, 通讯作者;
8. Cloning, tissue expression, and nutritional regulation of the α-amylase gene in the herbivorous marine teleost Siganus canaliculatus, Aquaculture, 2016, 454:229-236,并列第一作者;
9. Effects of replacement of dietary fish oil with soybean oil on growth performance and tissue fatty acid composition in marine herbivorous teleost Siganus canaliculatus, Aquaculture Research, 2012, 43(9):1276-1286, 第一作者;
10. Evaluation of dried seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis as an ingredient in diets for teleost fish Siganus canaliculatus, Aquaculture International, 2011, 19:1007-1018,第一作者;
1. 2022.05,基于突变体库筛选的新型耐高温木聚糖酶的研发及产业化,创新珠海科学技术奖—科技进步奖二等奖
2. 2018.12,水产饲料与原料专用生物酶制剂的研究开发,2018珠海市香洲区科技创新大赛优胜奖
3. 2015.11,水产健康养殖关键生物制剂创制与应用,大北农科技奖成果奖一等奖